Kerry Receives First Defibrillator at Village Hall

CellPath were pleased to bring peace of mind to Kerry, by donating £100 towards the cost of a brand-new defibrillator.

This can now be seen outside the Village Hall – a central point of the village – which gives easy access to both the residents and visitors of the village.


The importance of having a defibrillator


A defibrillator is a simple and effective device that gives a high energy shock to the heart through the chest wall, to an adult or child over the age of 1 years old who are suffering from a cardiac arrest.

For every minute passed without receiving CPR and defibrillation, decreases the chance of survival by up to 10%. An alarming statistic!

Having an accessible defibrillator increases the chances of survival of up to 75% – a difference potentially between life and death.


Community Spirit


Purchase of the defibrillator was made possible thanks to donations but was mainly due to the fundraising efforts of the local community.

Various events such as social evenings, dances and raffles helped to raise over £5,000 in total. A fantastic effort by everyone involved!

As a result, the village are now able to buy a second defibrillator. Which they will be looking to place at the Football Club in the near future.

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